Saturday, August 21, 2010

We have a winner...

Well, I used my random number generator thingy and the winner is....DeAnna!

DeAnna Alonso said...

ok... so I slowed down to read this awesome post from such a courageous woman. It is rare I get a chance to count the little scars on my kiddos knees, hear the crazy yet hilarious stories from my sweet GiGi and listen to the beautiful sounds of innocent children singing camp songs as we drive down the road. I did today! I slowed down long enough to have the beaming pleasure of watching Darian practice his first game of soccer, hug my children like I have been gone for years and I even had a chance to look up in the sky and stare at the radiant stars. It isn't often I see the good in life. Thank you for a chance to breathe, love and laugh.

Congratulations, DeAnna! You will get your movies in the mail shortly! I hope you can have some good family movie nights together.

And now, to all you other friends who entered my little contest, thank you for playing! It was so fun reading your comments. Some of them made me laugh and some got me a little teary. I'm such a girl that way. I loved all your ideas on slowing down...thanks for sharing. And about the nice words you said to me, I'm kind of embarrassed, but not too embarrassed to call it quits and shut down the whole operation. No, I will keep posting. Even if nobody was reading, it is so good for me to document what God has done in my life. As the psalmist said, "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds" (Psalm 77:11-12).


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