Tuesday, September 28, 2010

She's a Winner!

Well, Mondayish has turned into late Tuesday, but we have a winner! 

Congratulations to Julie, the proud new owner of WholyFit...that is as soon as I can get it to her.

Julie said What about Pilates? Or is that a form of yoga? I don't know . . . but I think its more of a stretchy-type exercise vs. cardio . . . This particular DVD looks good too, what with the devotions and all . . . and for breakfast, I had an egg scrambled with ham and an English muffin this a.m. because it was kickboxing day and I was hungrier than the norm . . .

Julie is a wild and crazy, totally fun kind of mom, and yet beneath it all beats a very tender heart. I love you, Julie, and I hope you have fun with WholyFit. Can't wait to hear your personal review of this mysterious product. 

Thanks to the rest of you for entering and sharing your deep, dark breakfast secrets. I have another giveaway in the works for October 7th. We'll see how it goes. 

Some of you have questions about other forms of exercise. It's not always easy to know what's right and good, but I thank God that He wants to show us those things. "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." (Isaiah 48:17) 

I certainly do not want to encourage legalism in the area of exercise. On the contrary, I want to encourage us to have hearts yielded to Jesus, ready to do and be whatever He asks of us. My prayer is that we are so in love with Him that we will hear Him and gladly follow where He leads us.

With that said, I think it is good to be informed before we decide whether or not to forge ahead with a decision. Several of you mentioned Pilates and one P90X, so I'll briefly share what I found about those two exercise programs. 

If you feel like doing some reading, the history of Pilates can be found here. It does not appear to have the spiritual roots that yoga does. Not all Pilates are created equally, though. I've done Pilates before, and some instructors like to add a yoga component to their workout. But, in my opinion, regular old Pilates seems pretty safe. Here is another article, written from a Christian perspective, about Pilates and other gray area forms of exercise. I thought the author handled the subject very wisely. 

I have no experience with P90X, but it does look like it has a yoga component. It appears to be a combination of 12 different workouts, yoga being one of the 12. According to the chart in this description, the yoga workout is included in each of the 13 weeks of the program. 

And for anyone wanting more info on yoga, you can read this or this. That last one is what I referred to while writing my second yoga post.

I hope this has helped a little. Now, let's go glorify God with our bodies! "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." (Romans 12:1)    


  1. Are you serious? Did I really win . . . or was that another Julie? My spousal unit has started the P90X program . . . but he is only on day 3 and I've yet to hear much about it, other than the pain he has experienced from utilizing muscle groups long dormant (or something like that). Thanks, Rachelle.

  2. Oh, how i love you and how you gather all the information so tidy: nice and neat and hard to beat. And a big yeah! for my crazy-fun and tender-hearted sister who gets to not only be stretchy, but will now be wholy fit! Hopefully she won't look like swiss cheese by the time she is done. :)

  3. The Julie that didn't winTuesday, September 28, 2010

    I really think it was the other Julie that won! Hahahahaha!!!! Rachelle, when the real Julie gives you the review of Wholy Fit, would you be kind enough to share the insights with the rest of us?

  4. To the Julie that didn't win, you are so funny, and I loved your witty comment about being able to stand after the Ephesians 6 workout. And yes, I will pass on whatever feedback I get about WholyFit! Okay, pressure's on, Julie Who Did Win!

  5. I would like to take this moment to give up the prize to the Julie that didn't win . . . because I can not guarantee any available time on my current calendar without replacing another scheduled item to actually give it the ol "college try" or however that should be worded. It would defeat the purpose to replace my Bible time with said exercise program (even though it is of a devotional nature). Plus, I do currently have a gym membership of which I attend two classes a week in the a.m. Thus, if the "other Julie" would be able to use said prize immediately, I am ALL FOR IT! Plus, I just appreciate your ministry, Rachelle. What do you think about that?

  6. Congratulations, Julie Who Didn't Win, it looks like maybe you won after all.

  7. Julie who didn't win, but won by graceThursday, September 30, 2010

    To Julie who did win....thank you so much. I feel so grateful, blessed, and humbled. May God pour His blessings out in abundance on you!!!!

    Over the past few months God has really been teaching me lessons on Ephesians 6. For the first time in my life I really feel like I have learned what it means to put on the full armor of God...and I'm still learning. I can't wait to check out wholy fit!!!! Thanks again!!!! And thank you Rachelle!!!!

  8. Oh, you two Julies are so sweet and cute. So, Julie who didn't win, but won by grace...we look foward to your review. Even if it stinks, tell us! We wanna know the truth.


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